
Event Replay (19)

Event Replay Member Only

Replay: From Power to Partnership: Money in Investor Relationships Workshop with Wendy Wecksell

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Power to Partnership is an interactive workshop for anyone who needs to fundraise for their dreams.

Event Replay Member Only

Replay: The Anatomy of a High-Converting Pitch Deck Workshop with Sloan Kurak

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Sloan Kurak, co-founder of PitchLift is here to help you tell your story and secure investment.

Event Replay Member Only

Replay: Preparing for Investor Financials 101 Workshop with Dorothy Kolb

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There are KPIs that investors and lenders want to see in your financial statements before they will invest or loan to your company.

Event Replay Member Only

Replay: A Crash Course on The Lean Startup Methodology Workshop with Mari Milenkovic

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“A startup is a human institution designed to deliver a new product or service under conditions of extreme uncertainty.” - Eric Ries, Author of the Lean Startup

Event Replay Member Only

Replay: Data Points to Drive Your E-commerce and Retail Sales Panel

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Join panelists Nyakio Grieco, Rebecca Minkoff, and Jacquelyn DeJesu Center for this retail-focused event.

Event Replay Member Only

Replay: Prioritizing Branding as a Growth Strategy Workshop with Willow Hill of Scout Lab

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Prioritizing Branding as a Growth Strategy is a key to consistent and organic social media and revenue growth.

Event Replay Member Only

Replay: Strategic Outsourcing Workshop: Sustainably Building your Team & Tracking Success with Brooke Markevicius

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Founder & CEO of Allobee shows you how to build and track a dream team.

Event Replay Member Only

Replay: Stand Out & Speak Up Workshop with Amber Williams

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Your words should convert. So, why aren't they?

Event Replay Member Only

Replay: Intentionally Profitable Workshop with Marguerite Pressley Davis

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In business, every dollar you make, spend, or re-invest has an impact on the future trajectory of your business.